All the domains are listed for sale in the marketplace. This means you can instantly purchase them without any negotiations with a 3rd party or an uncertain delay while we manually transfer the domain to you.
Once you've bought the domain via Namecheap they will handle the entire process of placing it in your account right away - Lowyr isn't involved in this at all. Namecheap is the 4th biggest domain name registrar by market share and maintains millions of domains for users around the world.
Because our domains are listed in the NameCheap marketplace the transfer to your NameCheap account should be almost instant. Sometimes there is a delay where NameCheap waits 24 hours before fully finalizing the transfer, but you'll still see it in your dashboard right away with a pending status if this is the case. If you have any questions about the delivery of your new domain you can contact Namecheap support like you would with any other domain purchase. You can see Namecheap's support page here:
Since all our domains are entirely sold via the Namecheap marketplace you'll need to contact their support if you have any questions after purchasing. Buying a domain via Namecheap requires you to accept their Terms and Conditions of sale. You can see Namecheap's support page here:
Namecheap marketplace listings are an incredibly low friction way to get domains into a buyers hands. It's essentially an instant escrow service that means a buyer can purchase a domain and be confident they'll actually get it promptly without paperwork or hassle.
I'm always thinking up business ideas & potential domains to use for them and assumed most other founders have a registrar account that's just as full of domain names as mine is! Over time though I've actually met founders who far preferred working on implementation than ideation - their sweet spot was just quickly buying domain & logo pairs from the many marketplaces that offer this or even a whole up & running project from a bussiness broker and then working on it. Or buying a boilerplate to get started without writing much code and just getting launched fast.
So Lowyr is built for these founders. I've curated this collection of names so they can just spend just 5 minutes and less than $599 picking out a brandable & creative name and then free up the rest of their time to grow their project rather than trawl around looking for domains.
Lowyr lists creative domain names for founders & indiehackers to launch their next project with a memorable brand.
Here at Lowyr we're all about highly brandable names that have the rare combination of being both short .coms & very affordable!
Our domains are curated to sound catchy, look good and help founders inject some creativity into their new brands.
No lengthy domain name sale negotiations required, grab a name for your next idea from us today and get building.
Get New Names As They Drop 🚀
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